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Taiwan Yunlin District Prosecutors Office:Back to homepage



  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2022-12-20
  • View count:379


This office is under the supervision of Taiwan High Prosecutors Office. The Chief Prosecutor is appointed to direct and to supervise all the prosecutors in the office, and to manage the administrative affaires of the office. All the prosecutors in this office are destined into three divisions. Each of these divisions has a Head Prosecutor supervising the prosecutorial affairs of his or her division. There are several segments under the Chief Prosecutor, including Chief Clerk Office, Probation Officer Office, Personnel Office, Accounting Office, Statistics Office, Civil Service Ethics Office, and Investigator for Prosecutor Office etc. Under the Chief Clerk, there are Records Section, Enforcement Section, Documentation Section, Research and Evaluation Section, General Affairs Section, Information Management Office, and Bailiff Office etc. In addition, the Chief Prosecutor of this office is authorized by law to supervise Yunlin Detention Center and Yunlin Juvenile Detention House.

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