- Publication Date:
- Last updated:2023-05-19
- View count:571
Taiwan Yunlin District Prosecutors Office
Address: No. 38, Mingjheng Road, Huwei Township,Yunlin County 632201 , Taiwan, R.O.C.
Telephone: 886 - 5 - 6334991
E-mail : ulcmail@mail.moj.gov.tw
Traffic information
Chung Shan Highway:
Messages for current road condition
* * Go either Southbound or Northbound, take off on Chung Shan Highway at Tounan Exit, follow the direction to Huwei, it’s about 2.5 Km
When hit an intersection (Ta Cheng Business and Industry Vocational School is on the right), take right (Wai-Huan Road) on the direction to Tai Hsi, hit a road (Po Ai Road) located at about 200m far, and the Tung Ling KTV is on the right, take left to go into the city, hit the first intersection at about 200m far, take right on Ming Cheng Road and the court is there at location of 100m。 (about 10 minutes for the whole way)
The Second Highway:
* * Go either Southbound or Northbound, take 269k Ku Keng system (between the eixts of Touliu and Meishan) → route number 78
Take east and west express road → pass the Chung Shan Highway → take off on exit of Huwei/Tu Ku → take right to Huwei City → go forward on Lin Sen Road → pass the railway crossing and about 200m far there is the intersection of Lin Sen Road and Kung An Road → take left (on the right upfront is the Huwei Post office、on the left upfront is the old Huwei county) → pass two big intersections → the T section of Kung An Road and Ming Cheng Road → take right → Huwei Elementary School → The Court。
* * Local Road:
Southbound:Take route 145 to pass Hsi Lo Town and enter Huwei
Northbound:Take Tai-Yi route from Ta Lin Town of Chiayi county to enter Tounan Town of Yunlin County, and turn to route 158 to pass the Exit of Tounan highway to enter Huwei。
Tung Lien Bus:Take the bus to Pei Kang, take off the highway at Tounan Exit, the first bus stop is Huwei and take off the bus, and it’s about 5 minutes by foot。 (NT$100 for the taxi charge)
Bus Schedule:See the company homepage title="ubus">https://www.ubus.com.tw/
Jih Tung Bus:Take the bus to Pei Kang, take off the highway at Tounan Exit, the first bus stop is Huwei and take off the bus, and it’s about 5 minutes by foot。 (NT$100 for the taxi charge)
Bus Schedule:See the company homepage https://www.solarbus.com.tw/
Taichung Bus:
Take the bus in front of Taichung railway station (Pei Kang Line), pass the Chao Ma station and take the highway, get off the highway at Tounan Exit, and the first stop is Huwei, get off the bus and walk for about 5 minutes to the court。
Bus Schedule:See the company homepage http://www.tcbus.com.tw/
(Buses take national roads、schedule for national roads)
◎ Trains
Touliu station:Take off the train at Touliu station, and transit to take Tai Hsi Bus at the back of train station, take the Pei Kang Line to Huwei,get off the bus and walk for about 5 minutes to the court。
Tounan station:Take off the train at Tounan station, and transit to take Tai Hsi Bus at the front train station, take the Pei Kang Line to Huwei,get off the bus and walk for about 5 minutes to the court。
Taiwan Railway Schedule:See the net address https://tip.railway.gov.tw/tra-tip-web/tip?lang=EN_US
◎ Tour Spots
● Network for Travel Information of Yunlin Government